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mysqli: Duplicate entry '16239677' for key 'PRIMARY'
insert into stathist_viewbib_bib_type set 
		dat='13' ,
		 mon='02' ,
		  yea='2025' ,
			 statuid='20250213140346_763' ,
			 head='16606' ,
			 foot='html' ,
 Author  สมชาย ภคภาสน์วิวัฒน์
การบริหารกลยุทธ์=Strategic management /สมชาย ภคภาสน์วิวัฒน์
 Imprint  กรุงเทพฯ : ศูนย์การศึกษาต่อเนื่อง มหาวิทยาลัยหอการค้าไทย, 2541
 Call Number  HD30.28 ส239ก 2541
 Physical  125 หน้า : ตาราง
 Subject  การวางแผนเชิงกลยุทธ์การจัดการองค์การ
mysqli: Server shutdown in progress
select * from webpage_bibrating_sum where bibid='16606' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from webpage_bibtag where bibid='16606' 
This record not been tagged
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mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from library where UserAdminID='' and lower(isallowall)='yes' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from library where UserAdminID='' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from library_permission where lib='' and code='quickeditwebtext'  
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from webpage_quickeditwebtext where classid='bib-afterbibacc' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from webpage_textreplacer where active='yes' order by ordr
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_valmem where classid='webpage-o-upachideitem' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_val where classid='webpage-o-upachideitem' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
delete from barcode_valmem where classid='webpage-o-upachideitem' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
insert into barcode_valmem set
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from media where id =16606 
ผิดพลาด ไม่สามารถหาวัสดุ 16606 ได้Leader/07 ผิดพลาด!
leader/07 error
ผิดพลาด ไม่สามารถหาประเภทวัสดุ ที่กำหนดใน leader/07 ของรายการ 16606 ได้
ผิดพลาด ไม่สามารถหาโมดูลสำหรับ mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from library where UserAdminID='' and lower(isallowall)='yes' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from library where UserAdminID='' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from library_permission where lib='' and code='quickeditwebtext'  
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from webpage_quickeditwebtext where classid='bib-afteritem' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from webpage_textreplacer where active='yes' order by ordr
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_valmem where classid='display_dublinrelatebib' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_val where classid='display_dublinrelatebib' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
delete from barcode_valmem where classid='display_dublinrelatebib' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
insert into barcode_valmem set
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_valmem where classid='bookcomment_isenable' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_val where classid='bookcomment_isenable' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
delete from barcode_valmem where classid='bookcomment_isenable' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
insert into barcode_valmem set
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from valmem where  main='_SETTING' and sub= 'display_biblabelatupac' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from val where main='_SETTING' and sub= 'display_biblabelatupac' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
delete from valmem where  main='_SETTING' and sub= 'display_biblabelatupac' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
insert into valmem set
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_valmem where classid='webpage-o-viewbib_showsocialacc' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_val where classid='webpage-o-viewbib_showsocialacc' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
delete from barcode_valmem where classid='webpage-o-viewbib_showsocialacc' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
insert into barcode_valmem set
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from library where UserAdminID='' and lower(isallowall)='yes' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from library where UserAdminID='' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from library_permission where lib='' and code='quickeditwebtext'  
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from webpage_quickeditwebtext where classid='bib-foot' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from webpage_textreplacer where active='yes' order by ordr
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_valmem where classid='webpage-o-mannualhtmlfooter' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_val where classid='webpage-o-mannualhtmlfooter' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
delete from barcode_valmem where classid='webpage-o-mannualhtmlfooter' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
insert into barcode_valmem set
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from webpage_textreplacer where active='yes' order by ordr
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_valmem where classid='activateulib-status' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from barcode_val where classid='activateulib-status' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
delete from barcode_valmem where classid='activateulib-status' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
insert into barcode_valmem set
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from valmem where  main='_SETTING' and sub= 'web_hidefooter' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from val where main='_SETTING' and sub= 'web_hidefooter' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
delete from valmem where  main='_SETTING' and sub= 'web_hidefooter' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
insert into valmem set

 Union Library Management : ULibM
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from valmem where  main='global' and sub= 'FOOT' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
select * from val where main='global' and sub= 'FOOT' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
delete from valmem where  main='global' and sub= 'FOOT' 
mysqli: MySQL server has gone away
insert into valmem set