
Language Learning in Higher education / ITL124
Bib 43909
  •  Does a picture say more than 7000 words? windows of opportunity to learn language - an attempt at a creative reflective poster
  •  University students' plurilingual profiles in a French frontier city: Similarities and difference between more and less plurilingual students / Denyze Toffoli
  •  Multilingual learners and foreign language acquisition: Insights into the effects of prior linguistic knowledge / Anahi Alba de la Fuente and Hugues Lacroix
  •  Multilingual and multicultural task-based learning scenarios: A pilot study from the MAGGIC project / Inma Alvarez and Maria Luisa Perez-Cavana
  •  Code-switching and plurilingualism in English-medium education for academic and professional purposes / Maurizio Gotti
  •  Teaching science subject in Arabic: Arab university scientists' perspectives / Munassir Alhamami
  •  Developing law students' communicative-linguistic competence: Analysis of eight Spanish legal textbooks from a sociopragmatic perspective / Joseba Ezeiza Romos
  •  Learner beliefs a bout sociolinguistic competence: A qualitative case study of four university second language learner / Jinsuk Yang and Katherine Rehner