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 Searching Subject Diplomacy Periodicals

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Gaiko Forum
 Imprint  Japan : Toshi Shuppan, 2009-
 Call Number  ENG Journal 018
 Frequency  รายเดือน
 Physical  Volume : ill
 Note  Japanese
 ISSN  09151281
 Library Has  ULIBM No. 258 Monthly January-No. 261 Monthly April No. 258 Monthly January,No. 260 Monthly March,No. 261 Monthly April;No. 254 Monthly September-No. 257 Monthly December No. 254 Monthly September,No. 255 Monthly October,No. 256 Monthly November,No. 257 Monthly December;No. 248 Monthly March-No. 253 Monthly August No. 248 Monthly March,No. 249 Monthly April,No. 252 Monthly July,No. 253 Monthly August,
 Subject  Diplomacy--Periodicals
 Subject  International relations--Periodicals
 Subject  World politics--Periodicals
 Subject  Japan--Foreign relations--1945-1989--Periodicals
 Subject  Japan--Diplomacy--Periodicals
 Link  www.gaikoforum.com
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No. 258 Monthly January-No. 261 Monthly April (2558-2-26)
Shelves: Journal Room
No. 254 Monthly September-No. 257 Monthly December (2558-2-25)
Shelves: Journal Room
No. 248 Monthly March-No. 253 Monthly August (2558-1-24)
Shelves: Journal Room
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Bib 39473

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